The child fire of the dance of life burns

Dear fans of the dance of life, “the child fire of the dance of life burns with a strong flame: we will dance in Lavaldieu this summer!”
Hansjörg’s euphoria hits the mark. Like him, many people are supporting the plans for the 30th Lebenstanz and we as the organizing team, together with the Beyond association, are already in the middle of the preparations with great anticipation. The participants of the Shining Branches also get involved and fuel the whole thing.

There is some very concrete news:

1. here we go: the registration for the 30th Life Dance in Lavaldieu starts!
2. our new homepage is online
3rd singers’ meeting in the Black Forest at the end of May
4. two offers for healing work of the Shining Branch Healing
5th date for Magic Mesa

Registration begins!

The 30th Dance of Life in Lavaldieu will take place from

July 29 to August 6, 2022

You can now register directly via our new homepage!

The contributions are the same for everyone: singers, dancers and guardians pay the same amount, staggered according to three time stages, the first deadline is March 31. A discount is available on request. There will also be helpers before and after the event.

We would be delighted if you could register as soon as possible. Depending on the number of participants, we can then adapt the form of the dance, naturally in harmony with the alchemy. A working group in the Shining Branch of the ceremonies is already discussing this in order to make the set-up and process as relaxed as possible.

For the sake of simplicity, there will be no further mailing by e-mail or post this time.

Our new website is online

We hope that you like the new appealing form and content as much as we do. It took a few days longer than expected, but everything should be working now. Many thanks to our webmaster Uta from Webwerkerei for the numerous suggestions, texts and preparatory work of the former management team and the Shining Branches!

Our intention is to create a harmonious balance of practical functions and beautiful, seductive aesthetics. We are also in the process of updating further content. We will also publish news on a regular basis.

If you have any suggestions or would like to volunteer to help with the website and co. (WordPress, data protection, CMS, newsletter, layouts, Excel, Instagram etc.), we would be delighted!

Please contact us by e-mail:

This also applies if you pass on shamanic life dance knowledge, have a singing group, a sweat lodge circle etc. and feel connected to life dance.

These dates have already been set

At the end of May our songs can be heard in the Black Forest!

Thanks to Bärbel from the Shining Branch of Singers, after a two-year break there will now be singing together on the bass drum again. The seminar house in Remetschwiel/D in the Black Forest has been reserved for the last weekend in May from

May 27 to 29, 2022

Info and registration for the singers’ meeting:

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Shamanic healing

The Shining Branch of Healing with Flurina and Trojka offer two training courses on healing work. Via Zoom on Saturday, April 9 from 2 to 5 p.m., as well as in person on Saturday June 11 (if interested also until Sunday June 12) in Münchwilen/CH. The offer also serves as preparation for those interested in the healing team at the Dance of Life in Lavaldieu.

Info and registration:

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Magic Mesa on Sunday, April 24

This year, the Magic Mesa will once again take place in a decentralized manner on Sunday, April 24. Anyone can have the ceremony at home, and the joint exchange via Zoom will take place afterwards from 7 to 9 pm. The preparation team, which was formed thanks to Josef’s initiative, will compile documents.

Further information about Josef Reichenspurner:

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Now we are looking forward to you and fiery dance registrations!

Anita and Dana

On behalf of all participants and the organization team
Irène, Josef, Marton, Michael and Anita

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