Registration for the 33rd Life Dance 2025

You can register for the dance of life using the form below!

When you register, you decide whether you want to register as a dancer, singer or guardian. You can also register here to work as a volunteer and to take part in the children’s camp.

If you are thinking about registering as a guardian and you have any questions or would like to know more, please contact Sigi ( If you would like to register as a singer, it would be important that you familiarize yourself with the songs before the Lebenstanz, e.g. in a singing group (see on this website under Contacts / Network) or at the singers’ meeting (2 – 4 May 2025;

The participation fee is the same for all functions. We have had to raise prices slightly due to the general increase in the cost of camping and food. The prices for children’s camps remain low for social reasons. As before, there are discounts for early bookers.

Participation fee
for dancers,
singers, guardians
520 €/CHF for payment by 31.03.2025
570 €/CHF for payment by 30.04.2025
670 €/CHF for payment after 01.05.2025

This includes the costs for organization, catering and camping.

For all registrations (= deposits) after 30.06.2025 , the full amount plus 50 €/CHF will be due.

Thanks to the generosity of Loon and Waheo, we can offer you this moderate participation fee again this year. So that we can support people who have less money with a social contribution, we ask for donations or the increased contribution rate. Thank you!

Social contributions are possible after consultation.

Participation fee for children’s camp:

until 30.04.2025 from 1.05.2025
1 accompanying person + 1 child up to 8 years 325 €/CHF 375 €/CHF
additional child under 8 years 100 €/CHF 125 €/CHF
1 child/young person aged 8 and over 220 €/CHF 250 €/CHF
2 children/young people from the same family aged 8 and over 385 €/CHF 450 €/CHF
3 children/young people from the same family aged 8 and over 525 €/CHF 630 €/CHF
The prices include food, accommodation, supervision, craft materials and excursions (excluding any entrance fees).

Registrations after 30.06.2025:

For all registrations (= deposits) after 30.06.2025 the full amount plus € 50.- | CHF 50.- is due.

After your registration

you will need to be patient for a few days, as we can only process the mail forms in batches once a week due to time constraints. You will then receive an e-mail confirmation with further information. As an association that works exclusively on a voluntary basis, we ask for your understanding.

Your registration is binding once you have paid your participation fee. We charge cancellation fees in order to be able to cover the costs of the Lebenstanz even in the event of last-minute cancellations. See the registration conditions here

We hope you enjoy your preparations!

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Als Helfer*in teilnehmen: Wichtig: Vor Anmeldung als Vorhelfer*in bitte mit Elias Maringer absprechen. E-Mail:, Telefon 0043-650-61 18 77 5