Luminous branches
The organization of the dance of life is in a state of flux. Leadership by a management team has been collective leadership for many years. The management team of the “Drachentänzer*innen” already practiced a form of flat hierarchies. At the same time, their predecessors, the “Pirschertänzer*innen”, held ceremonies and presented their vision of a collective form of organization of “luminous circles” at the 26th Life Dance.
The image of these “shining circles” led to the process of collective leadership, also known as “faire ensemble”, initiated in particular by Gertrud Arnold-Taha. The aim is for the structure of the Dance of Life to develop into a new, contemporary form so that the ceremonial and tonal (everyday) knowledge of this ceremony can be preserved and passed on within the community.
At the Magical Mesa 2019, we took the first step towards realizing this vision of glowing circles with all participants. The result of this process was presented at the 27th Life Dance in Lavaldieu and continued by a larger group. The image of the glowing circles has become glowing branches that can contain various smaller circles and groups. Communication and networking takes place at branch level via Zoom meetings. You can find the coordinators of these branches here:
(The links will open in your email program. If you don’t use one, you can copy the link into an e-mail).
Choreography team | Irène Muser Rui | |
Ceremonies |
Antje Unger and Jürgen Schütz
Healing | Flurina Campolongo | |
Structure |
Ellen Clauss
Singers | Bärbel Oftring | |
Guardians + sweat lodges |
Sigi Diver
Young people at the dance | Maya Warthon | |
Decentralized dance + dream bud | Gertrud Arnold-Taha | |
Choreography team: Irène Muser Rui,
Ceremonies: Antje Unger and Jürgen Schütz,
Cure: Flurina Campolongo,
Structure: Ellen Clauss,
Singers: Bärbel Oftring,
Guardians + sweat lodges: Sigi Taucher,
Young people at the dance: Maya Warthon,
Decentralized dance + dream bud: Gertrud Arnold-Taha,
Contact to the Shining Branches
Shining branch of the choreography team
Organization of the Dance of Life and coordination of the Shining Branches.
Posture and alignment
1. the choreography team partially replaces the previous management team and holds the space for the dance of life with heart and knowledge throughout the year. Together with the Shining Branches and the various local resorts, it enables the next Dance of Life in Presence in Lavaldieu in France.
This can be supplemented or replaced by decentralized dances if people are unable or unwilling to travel due to the pandemic, for example. The preparation of these individual dances at various locations is the responsibility of another team yet to be formed.
2. as a choreography team, we are in contact with the Beyond association, which is responsible for the finances, the Shining Branches, our elders (Barbara and Robert, Günther and Waheo) as well as the landowners and the Lavaldieu kitchen team in France. We bundle information and pass it on to the Shining Branches as transparently and promptly as possible.
3. in the choreography team we strive to work fairly, creatively and effectively; any decisions are made on the basis of consensus. Whenever possible in consultation with the coordinators of the Shining Branches. We trust in the competence of the people in the Lebenstanz collective and cultivate heart-to-heart communication: in an open, clear and polite exchange. In the event of conflicts, we remind each other of our common goal and seek help or mediation if necessary.
4. the choreography team is responsible for the applied alchemy together with the Shining Branch of the ceremonies and the ceremonial team in Lavaldieu.
If the choreography team believes that the protection of the collective at the Lebenstanz is at risk, it is legitimized to set limits. Of course, this also applies to the fire department, health personnel or police of the host country, whose rules we must respect.
5 As a choreography team, we pragmatically focus on what is feasible, recognize dogmas as early as possible and implement changes with courage and humility.
6. many of us danced and dreamed on the 30th Life Dance for a new form of life dance leadership. We are in the middle of this exciting process, in which you are cordially invited to participate and get involved in the Shining Branches.
Irène Muser Rui
Documents and downloads
Shining branch of the ceremonies
Organization of the ceremonial team for the Dance of Life in Lavaldieu, Development of important basics of the dance, in the circle of alchemy and since 2022 in the circle of the decentralized dance. In the circle of the sand picture and in coordination with the Magic Mesa we dream up the sand picture for the upcoming dance.
Posture and alignment
Alchemical knowledge and the resulting energy form the basis of the ceremonies in this dance. ceremonies in this dance. In order to put this knowledge into practice, sobriety and clarity are required. Knowledge, in the sense intended here, is the willingness to learn, to experience its effectiveness in the body body and to practise it in everyday life.
Our Dance of Life ceremony is based on various traditions of indigenous peoples of the Americas and we celebrate it in connection with our European roots. A special feature of this is that we include other cultural areas and sources of spiritual wisdom, especially at the so-called tree planting ceremony, in which we invite eight important spiritual paths in the eight cardinal directions.
We preserve and explain the alchemy and structures so that we know and understand, what we do. From beginning to end, the whole dance is one big, in connected inwardly and outwardly, which is characterized by the bowed pipe is framed and held. The supporting ceremonies are divided between the ceremonial team, the management team of the the respective dance, the sweat lodge team and the sand painting team.
Information for interested parties:
– at the dance itself: dhe ceremonial team can answer questions about procedures and ceremonies, directly or forward them. For first-year dancers there are special offers.
– before the danceParticipation in the Magic Mesa as preparation for the dance, participation in the seminars. If you are interested, please contact the coordinator, the Shining Branch “Passing on knowledge” or aa teaching place for contemporary shamanism. See links under the “Contact” and “Network” tabs.
Activities and dates
- Circle of the New Moon Pipe, Circle of the Full Moon Pipe, help with the foundation of further pipe circles.
- Participation in the Magic Mesa.
- We collect and disseminate the ceremonies that are created in the collective of the Dance of Life.
Antje Unger and Jürgen Schütz,
Documents and downloads
Shining branch of healing
Passing on shamanic healing techniques and the organization and supervision of the healing shelter at the dance.
Posture and alignment
Consider and circle the following:
Life is transience: movement from balance to imbalance to balance …
We are a hollow bone, allow healing to happen and recognize that we – even if we are ‘sick’ – are whole.
We listen to our inner voice, let it guide us and explore and live our medicine every day in mindful interaction with everything we encounter.

NOTE: The shamanic work and encounter in the healing space is part of the Life Dance Ceremony. “Healing” is understood as an “attitude of coming into connection, balance and strength” and in no way replaces the diagnosis or treatment of illnesses and the medical treatment required in this respect.
Activities and dates
During the life dance ceremony we create a healing space. Working there is a good opportunity to apply your own healing actions and to experience the dance of life from this side as a healing ceremony. It takes a little courage and confidence in your own actions. The tools and the work can be easily acquired during the year. Participating in the healing space during the ceremony promotes confidence in one’s own abilities to do healing work during the year. Whether at the dance of life or during the year: trust comes from doing. If you feel called, then you are meant. Courage comes when you do “it”.
Perhaps you know that you would like to join the healing team for the Dance of Life in summer 2022. Or you are interested in deepening your knowledge of shamanic healing. We cordially invite you to get involved with us:
Saturday 11.06.2022 (possibly a whole weekend including Sunday if interested – live in Münchwilen/CH with Flurina and Trojka)
Interested? Curious? – get in touch with Flurina.
Flurina Campolongo
Documents and downloads
Luminous branch of the structure and the water shrine
Our various tasks include setting up the arbor, repairing the furnace, tents, electrical installation, sweat lodges, water sanctuary, toilets, showers, material huts, kitchen, transport (wheelbarrows, ladder trucks), communication (radio, flipchart), firewood, stones, sweat lodge blankets….
Material management, documentation.
Posture and alignment
Values that characterize us are reliability, resilience, focus on what is feasible and openness to new approaches. We honor other people in the certainty that they are part of the whole.
concrete actions
As a preparatory assistant, you will be in the country days earlier – when everything is still relatively quiet. As one of ten energetic people, you will help from Tuesday morning to Friday morning: clearing out material huts, providing tools and material, setting up community tents, mowing the sweat lodge and dance area, electrical installation, and more.
In doing so, you are helping to lay the foundations for providing food and protection from the rain for the people who will soon be arriving in the country and bringing a first beauty to the time we spend together!
With all this work, there is time to relax, swim together in the pools or rest in hammocks in the woods. You get to know interesting people and can develop new skills under expert guidance. This work is remunerated.
As an Arbor builder, you are part of a core team that builds the dance floor. That magical space, a circle with twelve segments, in which time and space are interwoven during the dance. This circle offers the dancers on the tonal world protection from the elements. Starting with the large gate in the east, next to it the shelter for the singers, the healing room and the dancers’ shelters.
This core team is supported by people from the collective, and together they build the Arbor in 4 days. This work is part of the life dance ceremony.
Follow-up assistant
After the official end of the dance, you will certainly stay in the country for an extra day (i.e. until Sunday) for the follow-up work.
If the communal tents are not yet dry in bad weather, it is the responsibility of the post-processing helpers to stow them away dry. This would include postponing the return journey by another day!
As part of the group of follow-up helpers, you will take care of the final clean-up work and create the final beauty in which we leave the country. This work is remunerated.
Activities and dates
Documents and downloads
Shining branch of the singers and drummers
Singing the songs of the 8 Great Powers, the eight spiritual directions, on the big drum during the year and the dance of life
Posture and alignment
In devotion to the pulse of the drum and the vibration of the heart, we nourish joy in awareness and appreciation of the emotions.
We serve from the heart for the greater good and for the collective.
At the singing meetings throughout the year, we open the space in mindfulness and encourage all interested singers to sing and lead songs themselves, thus promoting individual growth and collective evolution. At Lebenstanz we drum and sing in modesty and self-responsibility with a focus on the community.
Activities and dates
79809 Remetschwiel in the Black Forest near the German-Swiss border; if you
If you are interested, please contact us by e-mail:
Bärbel Oftring
Documents and downloads
=> Link to the singing groups
Luminous branch of the guardians + sweat lodges
The branch stands for networking, exchange and information for guardians.
We also offer a space for experienced guardians, dancers,
Singers who would like to exchange experiences and values of guarding.
We would like to invite new people to experience the dance of life as a guardian.
and gain their own experience. We impart knowledge and give
Further information.
Posture and alignment
Being a guardian is a path of the heart in which you use your primal and will power, your being,
experience and develop your authenticity and self-confidence. Guardians create
their being with high energy from the power of love and the connection with nature and all
Essence. As a bridge between heaven and earth, they are a symbol of stability and clarity,
Warrior power. They are an important part of the life force and their role contributes significantly to that the collective ceremony in beauty, strength and lightness, in trust and security of all. can be carried out. They protect life, the community of the dance of life and
respect the health and well-being of all others, so that each and every one of us can remain in strength and can dance the dream awake in beauty and with benevolent energy. Guardians are aware that, by connecting with others, they can carry the message of the dance and the information of the collective within them, and to express it through their actions. manifest and make visible.
As a guardian, you like to move between the magical world and the everyday world. Reality. You can work in a team and also complete tasks on your own. You are aware of this, that it is possible to discover, cultivate and promote reliability, personal responsibility and openness in this place.
Activities and dates
Documents and downloads
Young people at the dance
the branch is still being formed. Get in touch if you would like to join us!
Maya Warthon,
Luminous branch “Dream Bud” (formerly “Other”)
Posture and alignment
We are open to the burgeoning possibilities in the field of the dance of life, recognize them and promote them. We learn from the past in order to create something new for the future and nurture what has what has been created. We create spaces to meet during the year to exchange knowledge and experience and to explore with all your senses. We integrate the dance of life into everyday life. We act in self-confidence and share our talents.
Activities and dates
Activities to date:
– The new moon pipe has been transferred to the “Ceremonies” branch after two years. This gives room for new possibilities.
– The process of the Luminous Branches has been incorporated into the structure of the Dance of Life.
…and in the future:
– A dance to to say thank you
– What flows in our sap in the tree?
– Aspect: Exchange about learning and teaching among us
– Finding ways to mobilize former participants of the Dance of Life again mobilize
– Questionnaire:
§ Shorten the duration of the dance (offer variations)
§ Different places, groups organize the dance decentrally and in turn
§ Offer various options for “living” (hire builders…) hire…)
§ Simplify layout
Drum journey:
– branch seems very connected to something central, the sap that flows in the center of the trunk. trunk flows
– Strong connection to all other branches -> then the sap begins to flow, other branches are “nourished” when the bud opens
– The branch receives a lot of strength and energy from the center
– Bark from the branch is important and we recognize it. It teaches us which tree we are, where we come from, what makes us who we are.
– A collection of the essences of all the earlier life dances in Lavaldieu and also of its roots. Image: a book with two pages for each life dance 1 to 28, with photos, images, key phrases, essence…
Gertrud Taha-Arnold